水果茶 fruit tea

actually better than spending $7 at a bbt shop

點CookGuide recipe + youtube video

Total Time: 10 minutes

Serves 2


dim cook guide version (serves 1)

  • 檸檬 2pcs Lemon

  • 橙 1/2 Orange

  • 熱情果 1/2 Passion fruit

  • 蘋果 1/4 Apple

  • 西瓜 4pcs Water Melon

  • 綠茶茶包 2 Green Tea Bag

  • 熱水 250ml Hot Water

  • 糖 20g Sugar

  • 冰塊 適量 Ice Cube

joann's alternative lazy version (serves 2)

  • 1-2 tbsp lemon juice

  • ½ cup orange juice

  • 1 small apple

  • 5 black or green tea bags

  • 500ml hot water

  • 2 squeezes of blue agave syrup or however much sugar you want

  • a whole ton of ice cubes


  1. 先把橙切半,將其榨汁,再切一片待用

  2. 把檸檬切半,切兩片檸檬待用

  3. 把熱情果切半,把其果肉攪拌均勻,挖出,再加入橙汁和檸檬汁內

  4. 把蘋果,西瓜切細,備用

  5. 把兩個茶包加入熱水泡,加入砂糖,攪拌至糖融合到茶裡,再倒入杯中

  6. 在茶裡加入果汁,拌匀,再加入適量的冰和裝飾的水果,完成

tips and tricks

  • not every fruit is used for flavour purposes, most of it is really just for looks. when it comes to flavour, there's only 3 that matters: orange, lemon, and passionfruit! the rest of the apples, watermelons, strawberries, etc is just for looks so you can replace these with whatever fruits you prefer

  • the lazy joann way: replace lemon with lemon juice and orange with orange juice. the better way tho is to use concentrated OJ! regular OJ is ok but obv the flavour won't be as strong

  • do i really need the sugar? yes. because we're adding in the sour flavours from the citrus fruits, if we don't add in at least a little bit of sugar, the flavour will be very singular

  • let's talk about tea leaves! there are three main types of tea: 1. non oxidized/fermented teas e.g. green tea with the fresh flavours and the most nutritional because its kept the most of its vitamin C, etc, 2. partially oxidized/fermented tea e.g. oolong tea, 3. oxidized/fermented teas e.g. black tea where the taste is a lot stronger, or even stronger like pu-er tea

Recipe from/inspired by: 點 Cook Guide: 【水果茶】用新鮮生果做【真.水果茶】
水果茶 fruit tea水果茶 fruit tea