sweet and spicy bbq chicken wings
for 10pcs of chicken wings
雞翼 10 Chicken Wings
黃糖 2tsp Brown Sugar
砂糖 2tsp Sugar
鹽 ½ tsp Salt
蒜粉 2tsp Garlic Powder
甜椒粉 ½ tsp Paprika
辣椒粉 ½ tsp Chilli Powder
胡椒粉 ¼ tsp Pepper Powder
雞粉 ½ tsp Chicken Powder
油 20g Cooking Oil
加入黃糖,砂糖,鹽,胡椒粉,蒜粉,辣椒粉,甜椒粉,雞粉,油拌勻 Combine all the marinade ingredients listed above. Add in the chicken wings to coat.
醃至少一小時,醃一晚更佳 Marinade for at least 1 hour - ideally overnight.
焗盤墊牛油紙,放入雞翼,表面淋上少許醃汁,甜椒粉及辣椒粉 Place the wings on your baking pan / tray (make sure the skin is facing top!). Add some of the remaining sauce over the top. The spicy flavour primarily comes from chilli powder, and the distinctiveness red colouring of the wings come from paprika. So at this point if you love spice, go ahead and sprinkle more chilli powder over the top of your wings for more dynamic flavouring, because this is the spice that you will actually taste when it's done.
以180℃焗約15-20分鐘 Bake at 180℃ for ~15 minutes - depending on the size of your wings, of course. If they're really large, maybe 20 minutes.
雞翼放置一會,翻轉待汁液更均勻 Similar to steak, let your wings rest for a little bit. Then flip your wings over in its spot so that the top of the wings has that glossy look. Done!
Why do you need oil in the marinade? Because otherwise, the chicken wings will turn dry during baking.
Why does it seem like we're adding a lot of chilli powder? Won't it be super spicy? Actually no - because chicken itself has water content and the longer you marinade, the more you'll notice water coming out from the chicken.